Parents for the August 24th “Exhibition” game day in Kelowna, a few things to note:

There will be a concession onsite.

There is no water fountain on either M9 (grass field) or M15 (CNC Turf field). Remember no food or drinks except water on the turf anywhere! Make sure to bring lots of water!

The kids are on the field, off the field, and back on again for a couple of hours. Get team managers to arrange pow wows with the team so they are not all over the place. They need the energy however to last the morning, afternoon and day

ALL Teams need to be ready with moms and dads to handle the chain crew duties on the fields. Opposite side of the field from the player benches

So parents please help and step up with some volunteering hours this day. Talk to your Team manager on what will be needed.

Also remember this is just an Exhibition, this is for FUN & LEARNING. Coaches & Trainers are the ONLY non-players allowed on the field at any time. Parents sit back have fun and practice your game day cheering