Dear Okanagan Football Community,
My name is Anthony Woodson, I run a company called RAW Sports with my brother, Robert Woodson. Between the two of us we have over 9 years of playing experience in the CFL. We’re excited to announce that we’ll be coming to Kelowna again this summer from July 12th – July 16th, 2021. This camp will run from 8:30am to 3:00pm each day.
This camp will be for players between the ages of 8-18 and will take place on the Mission Fields and Capital News Centre indoor turf field. Each age group, Atom (ages 8-10), Pee Wee (ages 10-12), Bantam (13-14), and High School (15-18) will have separate curriculum’s and won’t compete against each other.
Due to the current pandemic, we will be following the physical distancing guidelines as recommended by ViaSport BC. As of now, this will be a non contact camp in which we will provide our athletes with Football Specific Training, Individual Position Training, Nutrition, HIIT, Safe Contact, and Offensive / Defensive Scheme Review. If we bend the curve, and government restrictions allow, we will move this camp back to a partial contact format. SHELLS CONCEPT (Should Pads / Helmets / Shorts), means we’ll include partial contact drills such as SAFE CONTACT training, SAFE TACKLING technique, individual position skill training, one on ones, pass skelly, inside run, and offense vs defense. The key difference between our Shells Concept and Full Contact is that we highly discourage head to head contact, and players will never tackle each other to the ground.
For more information and to register please visit our website or instagram:
Instagram: @rawsportsyyc
Thank you,
Anthony Woodson
Director – RAW Sports